Coaching is transformative, it’s an evolving process of self discovery

Are you ready for a fulfilled, expansive and aligned life?

Coaching is a focused journey, igniting personal development, authentic, purposeful career moves and overall wellness. The goal - to facilitate a fulfilled, expansive and aligned life.

We all deserve to feel our absolute best, to maximise our life, and journey to our full potential - coaching creates dedicated time to evaluate this, to create a clear road map to success - having your purpose as the guiding light. Sessions are solution focused, forward moving and awaken motivation, clarity and hopefulness. Therapeutic coaching is my go to style, combing my experience as a Counsellor and Coach into tailored sessions.



T · R · A · N · F · O · R · M · A · T · I · O · N

Choose your package

Choose your private 6 week or 3 month package here.


6 weekly POWER sessions,

including email and WhatsApp access + worksheets and tasks set in-between the sessions.



12 weekly calls over 3 months.

The ultimate elevation package, gives space for you to keep consistent, lock in new habits, and see the change you desire.

*Plus a free session to gift to a friend - the power of a more aligned life*


I help you shift from the perspective from overwhelm into excitement.

What I bring to the table

Working with me will reduce the time it takes you to reach your goals. A coach helps you to ‘get out of’ the narrative that repeats in your head, working in an adult-to-adult relationship style, to navigate uncovering and working through any obstacles and limiting beliefs.

A coach helps you to bring light to your strengths, brings clarity and helps you to create actionable tasks to drive you closer to your micro and macro goals, with balanced reflection.

What my clients are saying ...

  • Working with Emily is a gift. She is so kind, caring, positive, direct, and a great listener who puts me right at ease. When I connected with Emily I was at a frustrated low point and full of resistance. My perspective was spiraling. Emily took me to the "tools" and guided me back to healthy perspectives and behaviours that support my authentic values and beliefs. I was sceptical about the extent of the change I'd feel, but I am surprised, and frankly in awe, of how different I do feel thanks to her practical suggestions, daily exercises, recognizing patterns, and shifting my perspective. How exactly did she get me to this point? By providing a safe space where I knew that she genuinely cared about my desired outcome. Connecting with Emily was a 2023 highlight for me.


  • Emily’s life coaching was really transformational for me. From the very first session I felt inspired and nurtured, and her guidance and prompts gave me a better understanding of how I can achieve my goals and what they truly are, which in itself was a revelation, especially following two career breaks after having children. Emily has a real talent in helping you work through challenges and mental blocks to discover how to take inspired action. She followed up sessions with beautiful thought starters which I really appreciated and kept me on track from week to week. I feel so grateful to have worked with such a special coach.


  • Working with Emily is possibly the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I have such respect and admiration for Emily’s knowledge and expertise in supporting new families, and her enthusiasm for caring for mothers to be and mothers. If you’re thinking that maybe you need some support in any of the areas Emily works in, reach out to her for a chat - you won’t be disappointed!


Book your free discovery call